1.The past participle of tear
1.feeling upset because you cannot choose between two things
1.The past participle of tear
1.It had an evil influence on society and had to be torn down immediately, " said an official. "
2.If I were his lawyer, I would have torn the evidence to shreds, or at least tried to.
3.That's just what I said to myself when I woke up this morning, but when I looked on the floor, there was the veil, torn in two halves!
4.One of them went away from me, and I said, "He has surely been torn to pieces. " And I have not seen him since.
5.Having lived for five years in the Dominican Republic, I am able to understand the two concepts of time but am torn between them.
6.it had sought human companionship and help and it made no threatening gesture as she looped one end of the torn petticoat about its horns.
7.The photograph of the leader had been torn down in the night by his enemies.
8.The man's tie was stained, his face was smeared with red lipstick, and a half empty bottle of gin was sticking out of his torn coat pocket.
9.as common as knee or ankle sprains, torn ACLs put players out of the game for up to a year.
10.The melee ends as quickly as it had erupted, torn pieces of money lying like confetti on the ground.