1.It was then that he began to take photographs, carrying his portfolio tirelessly around glossy magazine offices.
2.He began by tirelessly hand-copying hundreds of original scores in the Vienna Library, when he was meant to be studying conducting.
3."Skinner found that if they were kept just a bit underfed, the birds would work tirelessly for their reward, " Humphries notes.
4.Since the moment I realized what I wanted to do with myself, I've worked tirelessly to make that dream come true.
5.But she's not content to rest on her laurels, continuing to work tirelessly to promote the cause of women and gender equality in sports.
6.What showed the sincerity of Teresa's faith was that she both said Hallelujah and worked doggedly, tirelessly, perseveringly for Christ.
7.In the interim years, the team at Goodwood have worked tirelessly to turn the experimental car into a reality .
8.Despite the fading prospects for her candidacy, Clinton continues to campaign tirelessly.
9.Our goal is to work tirelessly for our supporters and deliver the best conditions for a winning team and silverware in the trophy room.
10.Having worked tirelessly to achieve a position of gentlemanly respectability, neither a porce nor an open affair was an option.