1.I sort of feel like I'm on drugs when I'm with you . Not thar I do drugs , unless you do drugs, in which case I do drugs all the time .
2.remember before you hit me that i have teeth thar could easily crush bones of your hand but i choose not to bite you.
3.From thar day on, he gave special attention to her, and decided to do his best to save her life.
4.Is thar all you wish to ask ? The witness has identify you , that's enough .
5.Once, Drek'Thar had been mentally as sharp as a dagger, even though his body was growing increasingly fragile under the weight of his years.
6.Thar showed Arha the many spy holes that opened into the maze, in every building and temple of the Place, and even under rocks out of doors.
7.Because numbers generated by systematic methods are not truly random, thar are called pseudorandom numbers.
8.Aye but allo' them be a fair hike away. Thar's travel expenses: feed fer tha horses, room an' board, meals.
9.bellowed Drek'Thar. Thrall wished he could snatch back the words, but it was too late. He had obviously deeply offended the shaman.
10."Come now, Greatfather Drek'Thar, it is only a dream, " the young orc chided.