1.to send people and objects very quickly from one place to another in the form of energy or signals. Some people believe this may be possible in the future.
1.By destroying light in one place and recreating it remotely in another place, researchers have found a way to teleport light.
2.Omaha now is lucky to see a few hundred Berkshire investors teleport in for what is a roughly 45-minute annual meeting.
3.The name of the key used to teleport safely (if possible). The name is a standard X key name.
4.(J) It's part of the acclimatization. (Allen) At Chaco Canyon, they ate lots of spinach. (A*l) So I'll be able to like teleport?
5.The name of the key used to teleport randomly. The name is a standard X key name.
6.Tripod Teleport: Teleport in a Tripod or two and use it's EMP ability to cause utter confusion.
7.Another group was able to teleport quantum information over a distance of more than 10 miles.
8.The stalker can shoot ground and air, and can also be upgraded with the blink technology, which allows it to teleport short distances.
9.Is the ability to teleport to any location the Psychic can see clearly via Sense Projection.
10.You can each go separate directions, and when it is located by one, the other can teleport to where it is at.