1.telecommunications device for the deaf
1.Though Bob starts with TDD, he seems to agree that to be a professional you need to have good unit tests.
2.TDD is an iterative process and requires you to run the test cases after small incremental changes to the code during code development.
3.At the end, you said the hallmark of the professional is to have good unit tests, and TDD is one way of achieving that.
4.The normal TDD approach at this point is to stop testing and start fixing until the test passes.
5.So, instead, I'm going to set up a game with an assumed internal data structure, and then TDD some methods that I expect to need. . .
6.By introducing TDD and ATDD at least some of the testing happens as the software is developed.
7.Therefore, we are ready to proceed from writing tests to writing code as the TDD approach dictates.
8.A week is not enough data to extrapolate the effectiveness of TDD on a multi-month or multi-year project.
9.First, I'll turn off the part of my brain that wants to do TDD and just write the solution, then write the tests for it.
10.This method clearly violates this heuristic, so I'm going to take another stab at it, this time using TDD.