1.someone who pays tax, especially tax on income
1.Mr. McCarthy has decided to get right with his tax obligations and his case should serve as a strong signal to other taxpayers.
2."Why should China use taxpayers' money to help out the sovereign of Greece when the money could better help Chinese schoolkids? " he said.
3.The fact that such a head would have to answer to the taxpayers of the world only at a distance could be very damaging.
4.In the recent crisis, banks built around the pre-crash model had no one to turn to but governments and reluctant taxpayers.
5.They say that even if it helps boost the economy now, future generations of taxpayers -- that means you -- will have to pay back the money.
6.Holder said the Obama administration is working to ensure that U. S. taxpayers do not pay for the clean up.
7.'I'm trying to raise taxpayers' consciousness by letting them see where their money is going, ' Mr. Wu said.
8.Every penny of it was used to pay for political expenses that I did not think should be charged to the taxpayers of the United States.
9.How much might it cost taxpayers?
10.The requirements are economic recognition of the cleanup taxpayers will incur whether or not these institutions are allowed to fail.