1.someone whose job is to collect taxes
2.the government department that is responsible for collecting taxes
1.But the taxman is often the creditor who tips a firm into bankruptcy, says Mr Hood.
2.measured by the share of GDP gobbled up by the taxman, tax burdens have come down in most countries since the turn of the 21st century.
3.Since the pay of these plutocrats is highly variable, a bad year for them means a bad year for the taxman.
4.He had been lying to the taxman but it was years before he was found out.
5.When asked by the authorities, households seem routinely to understate their wealth out of fear that the taxman will get the data.
6.And perhaps the British taxman focuses less hawkishly on the precise source of a foreign-owned firm's earnings than he might.
7.And with the advent of betting on mobile phones, even more of the market is moving beyond the taxman's reach.
8.America has at least 50 times as many "angel" investors as Europe, thanks to the taxman 's greater forbearance.
9.Overhauling these regulations does not need congressional approval and will likely expose more foreign income to the US taxman.
10.The first three do not worry the taxman ; the fourth gives him sleepless nights.