1.Walter Talbot had been a pioneer in drawing attention to huge financial losses incurred by electric and gas utilities as a result of theft.
2.Not a Beychevelle and not a Talbot, and yet. . . . . . yet so close to both of them, so close that the vineyard must be almost in between.
3.The next morning, the driver who'd left Talbot on the street found himself in Talbot's new office along with union representatives.
4.When he turned off the engine, gas began pouring out of the carburetor. Talbot thought he was going to go up in flames.
5.Nim had known Walter Talbot Jr. , an only son, almost as long as he had been a friend of the dead chief.
6.A few other men approached the wreckage and ''put a coat over my head so I wouldn't be able to identify anybody, '' Talbot said.
7.He tossed Talbot the keys to his MG and told him to get to work.
8.For instance, Talbot says the ADA requires that at least one entrance on new buildings be accessible.
9.Talbot was to go on trial in Brisbane in August on corruption charges.
10.Harmless reflections from photographic lenses and binoculars would be identified and discarded, Talbot -Jones said.