1.Must be syntactically the same as an OPTION clause in a SELECT statement , and can contain any valid sequence of query hints .
2.In fact , sometimes refactorings yield syntactically correct code that is not semantically correct for the problem you are trying to solve .
3.Syntactically, the part of speech of a compound is determined by the last element.
4.The goal here is to ensure that any system command evoked on the script syntactically and semantically works properly on Linux as well.
5.Syntactically, reference can be explained in the binding theory put forward by the generative grammarian Noam Chomsky.
6.syntactically establishing a relationship of contrast between sentences or elements of a sentence.
7.Protection : you can only hope to control the scope of errors if modules are syntactically delimited .
8.The static relationship in this scenario correlates these four syntactically different but semantically equivalent representations.
9.This specification defines the parsing rules for HTML documents, whether they are syntactically correct or not.
10.The RDT editor is not sophisticated enough yet to filter out all syntactically correct, but semantically incorrect entries.