1.an official group of church members who meet to discuss and make decisions about church issues; a meeting of a synod
1.But the prospect of a formal change in Church law, automatically clearing the way of wedding like this one, has caused anger in the Synod.
2.Swapping pleasantries , two cardinals prepare to enter the Synod Hall for a consistory, an assembly of cardinals that advises the pope.
3.As this will be the synod's final meeting before that deadline, a decision will have to be reached this month about what to do.
4.But independent local churches, all of them licensed by the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon, have been hit, too.
5.A clerical assembly of the Anglican Church similar to a synod but assembling only when called.
6.And this month the opponents of same-sex marriages gained several new seats in the synod.
7.A majority of the synod is expected to vote for gay marriages.
8.Mr. A is a agglomerate mountain, he synod the national, not personal fame and wealth, or the joy of writing.
9.The synod calls on such people to repent or quit the public arena and stop causing havoc to the people.
10.Last year Canada's general synod resolved that same-sex blessings are not in conflict with core doctrine, and rejected a moratorium.