1.Not the RSS that you're thinking about: this RSS stands for RDF Site Summary, and it defines a syndication format in a semantic manner.
2.Syndication is an important aspect of any social media application, so you will also learn to publish your microblog entries as an RSS Feed.
3.The Bank introduced collateral guarantee business for vessels under construction, and initiated syndication credit extension plan.
4."It's been a phenomenal start to the year for the China market, " said Terence Chia, of Citigroup's Asian debt syndication team.
5.Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an XML-based solution for publishing information that is often used with blogs and other sites.
6.One partner drops out of the syndication and your neighbor comes to you and tells you about the cabin in the mountains.
7.This way you can insert the data into a Web page, and dual-purpose it to be a syndication feed with little or no additional effort.
8.Syndication is the only supported method for moving content between the repositories of active Workplace Web Content Management nodes.
9.RSS stands for really Simple Syndication? and is essentially a syndicated feed that you identify as useful and choose to have delivered.
10.Information from external suppliers can be used for mash up assembly or syndication assembly on client-side.