1.a suspected injury is one that doctors think you have, but they are not sure yet
2.a suspected criminal is one who the courts have not yet proved guilty
1.The past participle and past tense of suspect
1.Charles Darwin himself suspected the wind of being a fickle and inefficient messenger, and that view has largely held until this day.
2.It was only the next day when a second coughing fit produced a bigger lump that Mrs Osborn suspected something was seriously wrong.
3.The fact that no one was badly hurt, bar one of the suspected jihadists, has made it easier for Britons to shrug off the latest attacks.
4.These authorities carefully examine the known and suspected risks and benefits of any vaccine prior to its licensing.
5.It's just as I suspected. Some birthday parties aren't for the children. They're for the adults who never grew up!
6.The U. N. resolution states that suspected ships have to agree to be boarded or to pert to nearby ports for formal inspections.
7.I had long suspected he could have autism and our community paediatrician sent him for an assessment.
8.An al-Qaeda or Baathist group was suspected of trying to destabilize Iraq in the run-up to a general election expected in early March.
9.Some experts have suspected that the adoption of a more Western diet may be at least partly to blame.
10.I suspected that you were lying to me but I'm still trust you. I hope that you won't deny what you've done.