1.more of something than is necessary
2.an amount of money or goods that is left because a country or business has more than it needs
1.more than is needed
1.But it said the run of record trade surpluses "points to the possibility that export growth may not slow as much as generally expected" .
2.FOR more than a decade, Australia had enjoyed one of the biggest booms in its history, and a robust series of budget surpluses.
3.Given such a steep build-up in reserves, it is not surprising that China's current account has also been recording large surpluses.
4.Russia has run current-account surpluses for many years, yet it has also been badly hit by an outflow of capital and a credit freeze.
5.But again, there seems to be no rationale to confront this by capping surpluses at a certain percentage of GDP.
6.What is not so clear, however, is how much difference any undervaluation has made to China's surpluses.
7.But it's not at all what happened in Ireland and Spain, both of which had low debt and budget surpluses on the eve of the crisis.
8.Martin addresses the question of how China should respond to China's exploding surpluses, but not how the rest of the world should respond.
9.As a consequence, it had to run large trade surpluses to absorb the resulting excess capacity in manufacturing.
10.Surpluses of this magnitude have usually been recorded only by smaller nations growing out of a crisis, or by significant oil exporters.