1.something extra that you add to make something better; a pill or special food that you take or eat when your food does not contain everything that you need
2.a separate part of a newspaper or magazine; an extra section in a book, or an additional book that gives more information
3.an extra payment that you have to make for special services, especially in a hotel
1.to add something extra in order to improve something or make it bigger; to add extra money to the amount that you normally earn; to add extra or different food to the amount that you normally eat
1.of different supplements, but only a few have actually proven to help me put on muscle mass. One of those is the MRP.
2.He was disturbed that the article said the professor also owned a portion of a company that makes and sells these supplements.
3.Too much of a good thing can cause harm: High amounts of vitamins in supplements plus what you get in food can put you over the safe limit.
4.Calcium supplements and plenty of weight bearing exercise seem to help in maintaining bone mass.
5.Eating at least 1 serving of fish a week and getting the right amount of antioxidants through diet or supplements lower your biological age.
6.But that effect came not from supplements but from sunlight, which causes vitamin D to be formed in the human body, he said.
7.As the store count continued to grow, GNC began producing its own vitamin and mineral supplements as well as foods, beverages and cosmetics.
8.Supplements can be very helpful when you are trying to bulk up your body.
9.They do not require you to cut out key food groups, consume special foods, take vitamin supplements or spend a lot of money.
10.We cannot recommend the use of vitamin and mineral supplements as a preventive measure, at least not in a well-nourished population.