1.At the moment when the ray of moonlight superposed itself, so to speak, upon that inward radiance, the sleeping Bishop seemed as in a glory.
2.Considering also that no evidence exists that the shells are colliding, the two shells are now hypothesized to be superposed by chance.
3.Reflects on water, from the sea to the water in an aquarium or in a bathtub. Faces of people are superposed one on another.
4.A friction plate with a hole for connecting piece of axle is superposed on the armature.
5.The results provide meaningful theoretic basis for popularization and aseismic design of the newtype superposed shear wall.
6.The prediction values of trend displacement and periodic displacement are superposed to obtain total displacement prediction.
7.t will be a superposed structure in the sense that it has multiple options contained within it at any given time and that it can be rebuilt.
8.The invention discloses a superposed multi-storey residential building, which comprises living rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms.
9.Superposed electromagnetic noise blocks microwave radiation-induced DNA damage, ROS formation and cell cycle arrest.
10.and the wedge-shaped connectors of the two adjacent protective plates are superposed correspondingly.