1.a small group of people or things that is a part of a larger group
1.Pls take a moment here and evaluate realistically some subsets of your grand and ambitious ideas that might be most doable.
2.Partitioning: The pision of a set into subsets such that each element of the set is in exactly one of the subsets.
3.A representation of the final code word is decoded by being partitioned to a selected subset and a plurality of remaining subsets.
4.To produce a computer program by a selection of subsets from skeletal code under the control of parameters.
5.This study emphasizes the need to further improve first-line therapy for at least some subsets of patients with mature T-cell neoplasms.
6.User-experience storyboards are subsets of the user-experience model used to describe the screens involved with system use cases.
7.If a table is needed in two or more subsets, a separate entity is created for each one.
8.This hotfix introduces a new registry key that prevents subsets of these files from generating this specific synchronization error.
9.A recursive CTE is one in which an initial CTE is repeatedly executed to return subsets of data until the complete result set is obtained.
10.Paging links provide a means to break up potentially large listings of collection member resources into smaller, more manageable subsets.