1.What is the solution to this game of subordination to creators who do not know enough to guide any creation home and are really false gods?
2.Subordination of his own group, have a strong sense of responsibility to others.
3.He said that A Doll's House was unconcerned with the subordination of women, that it dealt with "a problem of mankind in general" .
4.Original paragraph: But there is strong evidence that in hunter-gatherer societies women's subordination to men did not exist.
5.Where the old patterns of subordination and domination in an inflexible hierarchy may no longer work well.
6.The relation between mandatory feature of nautical law and nautical fault exemption ought to be dynamic subordination.
7.This was recognised and addressed in the recent Eurogroup decision exempting from subordination the bonds of countries in a programme.
8.The article was intended to highlight the subordination of constitutionally independent powers of state to the president.
9.The "marriage, " to Black, means the reconciliation of then contraries, not the subordination of the one to the other.
10.Everything else must be viewed in proper subordination now that the times have become so sharp and perilous.