1.a smaller group among several into which a main class is pided
2.a subpision of a class in the classification of plants and animals
1.Subclasses are often used to evaluate the completeness of the flow of events and the business rules.
2.A protected field can be accessed by any method in the class in which it is declared or by any method defined in subclasses of that class .
3.This must be implemented by subclasses of Permission, as they are the only ones that can impose semantics on a Permission object.
4.Methods that use references to superclasses must be able to use objects of subclasses without knowing it.
5.WLM allows you to assign workloads with different response time requirements to different service classes and service subclasses.
6.Aggregating allows any number of extensions to be added, without the need for defining all possible combinations of subclasses.
7.Note that type definitions for classes Order and Item appear in the schema, but type definitions for the subclasses of Item do not.
8.You can then use the base class, or any of the subclasses, in methods that are typed to expect the base class as a method argument.
9.It is also very easy to modify superclasses and add new subclasses because you merely need to modify or add one table.
10.Further, since the response types are correct, the response contains the additional elements of the Item subclasses.