1.a stateless person is one who is not officially recognized as a citizen of any country
1.Now, compare all this to the ease with which a field can be added to a stateless e-mail rule record.
2.This type of service is often referred to as being stateless with respect to its interaction with its requestors.
3.You can die as a stateless person and there is no record of your death because you do not exist and therefore your death is an irrelevancy.
4.Now we re ready to upgrade the stateless session bean into a Web service.
5.Because of the stateless nature of IIS and ASP. NET, a method decorated with this attribute might be called more than once per test run.
6.Stateless annotation, above, means that this class is now a stateless session bean, and the business interface is used to invoke it.
7."When people think of refugees and stateless people they don't think of Western, educated professionals with an office job, " he said.
8.One, of course, is the fact that Web services are often implemented using unreliable, stateless transport protocols, specifically, HTTP.
9.A "stateless" protocol is one in which there is no such continuity; each request must be processed entirely on its own merits.
10.put another way , a server has no memory of pages that it has processed page are stateless.