1.used for telling someone to stop talking or making a noise
1.Completely hiding the fact that you even allow SSH access and requiring a special "knock" sequence to be recognized as a possible user.
2.The brilliant return of SSH with his outstanding performance in EOE gave viewers a false impression, as if he has never left the TV screen.
3.Beside allowing you to upload files, OpenSSH allows you to login to your server from anywhere as long as you know it's IP.
4.SSH also revealed the expression of heartache as he looked at her with sorrowful eyes.
5.For those running Linux, a more seamless solution is possible given the strong desktop environment support for SSH.
6.The SSH tool ssh-keyscan, shown in Listing 4, allows you to gather the public SSH host keys from multiple remote SSH hosts.
7.The seasonal variability of the wind stress is dominant in the formation of the SSH seasonal variability.
8.Let's assume that the setup is the same as in Trick 5, but you want tech to be able to get VNC access instead of SSH.
9.She pretends as a princess and gets into a psychological war with SSH over a note (money).
10.host-based authentication is not complete, however, until the ssh client has been configured to use host-based authentication, as well.