1.the seed of an Asian plant, used for making food and oil
2.the plant that produces soy beans
1.How much the reduction in Brazilian production tightens the world situation will depend on China's demand for South American soybeans.
2.We realized we could not eat our way out of a surplus of corn and soybeans, " he said. "
3.Weighing on the front end of the market were fears of large deliveries as high freight rates make delivery of soybeans an attractive option.
4.According to Reuters, some buyers had to put the soybeans into a warehouse and wait for an approval before crushing the beans.
5.Edamame, or boiled soybeans, are a great pick-me-up because they're easy to make, easy to transport, and fun to eat right out of the shell.
6.Up to this point only biodiesel has been made from soybeans via its oil.
7.Monsanto has at least one of its patented genes in about 90% of all the soybeans grown in the U. S. and in about 80% of U. S. corn.
8.The company never said the soybeans were freshly ground.
9.Furthermore, China imports (and might have stockpiled) soybeans and other agricultural products that would suffer from a slowing economy.
10.Because the U. S. has commoditized corn and soybeans, there's been a progressive consolidation of farms into big industrial agribusinesses.