1.a large, soft, comfortable seat with arms and a back that two or three people can sit on
1.Please do not make any mistake to leave any other sofas as customer has started their sales with pictures they have.
2.Hang sheets from bookshelves and sofas, then get out the sleeping bags for a sleepover in the fort.
3.Miss Bartlett tore the note up and threw the pasty away, but she thought of the warm bed, the fires and soft sofas at Tuscany.
4.You sit in an outdoor area which is surrounded by walls of glass while music chills everybody out on the sofas & bean bags.
5.All this while Parthe and Mama lay about on sofas, telling each other not to get exhausted arranging flowers.
6.The images seem to suggest that sofas could make people freer, more relaxed, sexier even.
7.For the couch-potatoes who sit on their sofas all day playing Space Force or Galactic Civilisations, this is a sad fact of life.
8.Decorated in dark colors with very comfortable sofas, Hennessey's Irish Pub is an ideal place to have lunch or dinner with friends.
9.Participants are monitored as they lie on bright blue sofas in the middle of a shopping mall for a 20-minute nap.
10.For Those Days When Relaxation Is Preferred, The Lounge With Its Plush Armchairs , Sofas And Coffee Tables, Is The Ideal Place.