1.a hard white or clear substance that exists in sand and other materials, used for making glass
1.To date, various preparation methods have been used to synthesize silica nanotubes.
2.Hydrated silica: Toothpastes use abrasives of some kind, and this one is often the first one on the ingredients list.
3.Optionally, at least a portion ofthe silica is removed from the surface to placing the article in service.
4.Interaction forces between a silica particle and an air bubble were also measured at different locations on the air bubble surface.
5.The sight is protected from misting by a filter of silica gel, which dries the air as it enters an inlet at the bottom of the sight.
6.For a time the Anu thrived inside of Mars, as it really was more resonant with their silica based DNA.
7.XPT, as it is called, is a roughly 2cm-thick sheet of silica particles glued together with a strong, heat-resistant resin.
8.with regard to metal material, the head-face model can be manufactured into a silica gel model to be cast.
9.This reaction is not in itself considered weakening since the silica network has not been broken .
10.Other laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware, whether or not graduated or calibrated, of fused quartz or other fused silica.