1.希腊字母表的第十八字母 【动,植】 S [Σ] 形;【心】千分之一秒
1.the 18th letter of the Greek alphabet, represented in the English alphabet as 's'
2.the symbol (σ) indicating the addition of the numbers or quantities indicated
1.Management assigns you to be the project manager of a project that crosses functional lines and is designed to operate at 6-sigma levels.
2.Duration is a week or two. 1st step is to educate the top management or executives on Lean Sigma awareness.
3.Qingdao Sigma is a set of visual arts photo, personalized wedding, commercial photography into a professional photography studio.
4.The bank's trading platform, known as Sigma X, has grown into a significant supplier of liquidity in the US, where it was launched in 2005.
5.The Six Sigma Black Belt will be able to use a quadratic loss function to compute the cost of a given process.
6.The goal is to ramp up to a point where the tangible savings is funding the Six Sigma program.
7.And with this table, the TMAP process is complete, and the Six Sigma project is off to a strong start.
8.In a similar way, the Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma philosophies are parts of a healthy continuous-improvement program.
9.The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to measure progress towards the goals in terms meaningful to customers and leaders.
10.Black Belts are the deep knowledge experts regarding Six Sigma techniques and help oversee and drive multiple Six Sigma projects at a time .