1.If you were thinking of starting a set-top box company that delivers video content to the TV, let me stop you right there.
2.Digital TV set-top-box is no longer a distant concept, it has become a normal people in real life is an integral electronic products.
3.Regardless, if you build an OCAP application, it should run on any OCAP platform, either a real set-top box or a simulator like the OCAP RI.
4.In this respect, think of it as cable television without the need for a set-top-box.
5.At Neuros, we do not sell content, nor do we sell our devices through content distributors, as most set-top box manufacturers do.
6.For welded steel tank, installation of pump set top box, the side panel thickness should be appropriately increased.
7.Digital TV set-top box is to advance the application of digital TV broadcasting one of the new products.
8.By studying the service demands as well as the correlative documents of IPTV set-top box, we decided the software and hardware environment.
9.In November the company will get around that problem by introducing a set-top box that runs its software.
10.We've discussed the potential for the next generation of the Apple TV set top box before.