1.Apparatus of the invention can mix fluids flowing serially, or two or more fluids entering the device from different feed channels.
2.The synthesizer can be either serially loaded through the RS-232C control port or set up to power on at a pre-determined frequency.
3.A plurality of light emitting diodes are arranged on the glove body, serially connected, and connected with a battery by a toggle switch.
4.This machine is mostly used for the machine serially foaming unlimited long slicing of foam rubber .
5.by default , the backing - store field for an event declaration is a multicast delegate that serially combines all the event handlers.
6.The pulse generator serially outputs pulses representing digits of a digital word least significant digit first.
7.In a few cases, however, the processor cannot handle them serially, so it raises this exception.
8.Those responsible for specific aspects of a specification that are included in a common document do their work serially.
9.Assad's survival, is not powerful in global terms, having been serially swatted over the years by its Israeli neighbour.
10.Alternatively, he could model the unknown number of branches using a loop activity, but the loop body is executed serially.