1.Among the faithful, there are those who believe that 'less than' is not necessarily semantically correct for a class.
2.A relationship correlates at least two semantically equivalent business objects that are represented in different physical formats.
3.By mathematical induction, we have proved that this protocol semantically satisfies the sequential consistency.
4.The company believes that its new ad network will provide monetary incentive for publishers to have their websites marked up semantically.
5.If my database changes -- even if I use XML to override the mappings -- my source code does not semantically map the underlying mapping.
6.This flag indicates that the binary representation for the type is in the semantically correct order for that type.
7.Because of that, a DXL document is usually not semantically meaningful for your data.
8.It is not semantically oriented and does not add anything to the propositional content of an utterance, but has plenty of pragmatic effects.
9.Rewrite is an optimization strategy that transforms a valid query into a semantically equivalent form that can be more efficient to execute.
10.In fact , sometimes refactorings yield syntactically correct code that is not semantically correct for the problem you are trying to solve .