1.(从教会,政党等)退出;脱离 (from)
1.to officially leave an organization. This word is used especially about a state or region that chooses to become independent and govern itself.
1.Here he said that he would not initiate force against the departed states, even though in his view they had acted illegally in seceding.
2.Neither does Denson deny that the Southern states, in seceding, were in part motivated by fear that Lincoln would interfere with slavery.
3.The system of the market admittance and seceding and the keeping-away of the related risk need to be noticed too.
4.The tone of Lincoln's early draft was harsh, concluding with a challenge to the seceding Southern states: "Shall it be peace or a sword? "
5.Because district secession must influence the interests of the country, the country generally opposes seceding referendum.
6.This guy talked about seceding from the union, then whined because he was not getting enough federal help during the disasters.
7.One after another, Southern states were seceding from the United States of America.
8.Seceding from Britain is not especially popular in Scotland but Mr Salmond is.
9.Germany may contribute to a UN mission if one is needed for southern Sudan which is seceding in July.
10.Within a month, representatives from the sixteen seceding provinces met and declared a Republic of China.