1.It is our goal to give you all the information in an easy to read format within a fully searchable web resource.
2.This experimental service demonstrates the benefits of a searchable interface for information not previously easy to search or browse.
3.But the Searchable plug-in also does a bit of metaprogramming on your inpidual domain classes.
4.pesticide toxicology and environmental chemistry information for the general public - fully searchable and selectively retrievable .
5.I need the database to be able to store the standard information required for a jobsite, and to be searchable in all the normal way.
6.We are now ready to issue the search using the search method of the searchable object and passing it the query object previously created.
7.NOT LIMITED VERSION NOW AVAILABLE - you can create as big routable maps as you want with as many searchable POIs as you need.
8.This allows you to work with different applications that have placed text-searchable parts into the same item within an ItemType.
9.The unanswered question, of course, is what exactly does "searchable" mean?
10.Searchable dictionary should be able to display relevant answers even if users slightly misspell the term that they are searching for.