1.Check back in for the next installment of this series in which you'll get a comprehensive overview of database development using schemas.
2.Alas, as is often the case with design strategies, the answer is not black or white, and most schemas use both.
3.But it would be nice to use Rails on projects having legacy schemas, when ActiveRecord is not always up to the challenge.
4.As you build your extension and exchange schemas, you might need additional components from NIEM that you did not include in your subset.
5.The SOA depends on a set of data schemas that are used to describe the messages that flow around the SOA ecosystem.
6.For simplicity, the example will cover creating one service with its XML schemas and a common schema, as well.
7.These two quadrangular, fundamentally superimposed schemas that I hope some of you at least will remember.
8.This option compares schemas and notifies users of any differences that are found between the two schemas as part of this operation.
9.Much of the time, data management work is all about schemas and SQL, or TCO and ROI.
10.The company wants its XML to be extensible so that new products can be added neatly without extensive rewriting of the schemas.