1.But a CPU can also be considered a resource to which a scheduler can temporarily allocate a task (in quantities called slices of time).
2.The documentation is unclear on this point, but it appears that you can set the scheduler on a block-by-block basis.
3.At any time, the concurrency level of a scheduler is equal to the number of virtual processor granted to it by the Resource Manager.
4.A design pattern that is often applied, and has impact on the database size, is to introduce a "heartbeat" or "scheduler" application.
5.You can shut down and restart Windows automatically using Task Scheduler, enabling you to run Chkdsk on the system drive at startup.
6.The 2. 4 scheduler pided time into epochs, and within each epoch, every task was allowed to execute up to its time slice.
7.A scheduler is said to be preemptive if it allows the running task to be suspended when a higher-priority task becomes ready.
8.You will be able to call this task from the command line, enabling you to automate the task using a scheduler like cron.
9.With the Z-Cron task scheduler with which you are able to execute tasks on your PC automatically and time-triggered.
10.It consists of a stack, the state of the CPU registers, and an entry in the execution list of the system scheduler.