1.Are we content to see banks from other, especially small European, countries take deposits across the continent on the same basis as before?
2.That is to say, on the same basis of economic foundation, it is possible to construct different types of political and cultural systems.
3.Phrase books are very helpful on the same basis, in that the relevant Chinese characters can be shown.
4.Some congressional Republicans are just backward, rejecting modern economics on the same basis that they reject Darwin and climate science.
5.It might not be a fit for all couples, but Liu argues it has the same basis of Valentine's Day: love.
6.Prostitutes should pay regular taxes on the same basis as other independent contractors and employees, and should receive the same benefits.
7.Should our students on distance learning programmes of study have access to vocational guidance on the same basis as students on campus?
8.The variables used to calculate calorific value are not on same basis.
9.Machinery and equipment held under finance leases are recorded and depreciated on the same Basis as described above.
10.Rule one is that referred candidates should be assessed on the same basis and by the same methods as external applicants.