1.a food containing a mixture of raw vegetables such as lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers, usually served with a salad dressing
2.food that has been cut into small pieces and mixed together, usually with a sauce, and served cold
1.They are also used to produce a pleasant-tasting edible oil (poppy-seed oil), which can be added to salads instead of olive oil.
2.Unless hamburgers or hot dogs are cooked over a fire, picnic food is usually cold -- sandwiches, salads, potato chips, pickles.
3.This type of eating evaporates when the sun comes out; suddenly everyone offers salads and ice water and expects it to be satisfying.
4.I usually make a few salads for lunch throughout the week and I make dinner about 6 times a week.
5.Try them in salads and sandwiches or mashed with a bit of lemon juice, onion, and chopped tomato as a topping for baked potatoes.
6.The food value of the fruit is low, but its delicate flavour makes it a popular vegetable for salads and relishes.
7.A third encompassed fruits, salads, fish, tofu, beans, nuts, and yogurt; the researchers named it "a modern diet. "
8.It is often used grated, so not much is needed. Use in pasta dishes and salads.
9."As the leading producer of prepared fish salads in Spain, we need to ensure we keep ahead of the competition, " he said.
10.Sharon: I'm happy with my coffee and hamburgers. I don't have the energy to prepare salads and peel all that fruit.