1.In business, one year you might be competing ruthlessly with your rival, the next you'd both be on the same side of the fence.
2.Practice is not just repetition. Be ruthlessly critical and keep trying to improve on the constituent elements of the skill.
3.he also fought ruthlessly to expand the power of the executive branch, which he thought had been dangerously restricted since Watergate.
4.To the company's credit, instead of trying to cover up the incident, IKEA acted swiftly and ruthlessly, firing two top executives.
5."Boy, don't busy bodies, hand over to me to her quickly! " The portly owner is bad to ruthlessly call a path.
6.The rebels were driven out of Bin Jawwad the next day, a precursor to Qaddafi's ruthlessly efficient march east in the following ten days.
7.they deliberately, and often ruthlessly, exclude whatever does not fit into a familiar traditional pattern or type.
8.Small Ni a pair of eyes Be bad to ruthlessly stare her, emulate the blazing flame that the Buddha has spurt black iciness therein burnable.
9.There were none of those ultra democratic reforms which were ruthlessly abolished from the early Russian Red Army.
10.Yesterday, I ruthlessly refused an irresistible request of a woman that I can't turn down.