1.the unit of money used in India, Pakistan, and some other countries
1.One of them explains: "If you were happy to pay 37 rupees for a plate of bhelpuri, do you think you'd even notice an increase? "
2.So he went up and asked, How much per kilo? And the shopkeeper said, Two rupees. Two rupees in India is nothing; its like dirt.
3.Yet, at the end of each day he would only have collected one or two rupees, barely enough to buy a dry chapati and a cup of sweet chai.
4.Officials warn that people trying to hide facts or give false answers may be fined up to 1, 000 rupees (about $ 22).
5.An illiterate 20-year-old weaver, he earns 2, 000 rupees ($43) a month, half of which he sends to his mother in the poor state of Bihar.
6.Starting at 3, 500 rupees ($70) for a pair of men's shoes, Joy is not cheap.
7.In his confession, Mr Raju said he had personally raised 12. 3 billion rupees ($250m) in loans to help keep Satyam afloat.
8.Mr. Chui is a member of Macau's business elite Cheap Rappelz Rupees , and could face heavy scrutiny from Beijing, at least initially.
9.Attendants also regularly pass down each car selling soft drinks, snacks, or excellent hot sweet Indian tea (garam chai) for a few rupees.
10.Two rupees in India is nothing; it's like dirt. So he bought a whole kilogram of the fruit and started eating it.