1.(鸟兽的)臀部,尾部;〈谑〉(人的)臀部;〈英〉(牛的)大腿肉;残余物,渣滓;=R- Parliament 【英史】残余议会
1.the part of an animal’s body above its back legs
2.a small part of a company, a group of people, or a country that remains when the rest of it has left or has been removed
3.your buttocks
1.He's such an obstinate cuss that he'll break his horns rather than give up. And he's getting sore now because I'm tickling him in the rump.
2.Remember that the word 'ass' in spoken English also means a fool and is a very mildly impolite word for the human rump.
3."Depart, and let us have done with you, " Cromwell told the Rump Parliament. The Republicans deserve the same next week.
4.And for a dashing touch, he plucked a tail feather from his rump , which left him feeling rather cross.
5."Depart, and let us have done with you, " Cromwell told the Rump Parliament.
6.Breaking up the firm along these lines would turn the rump of Telecom Italia into a customer-facing retail business.
7.Turmoil in the rump of the euro zone would batter export markets just as the north's firms became less competitive.
8.She measures about an inch to an inch and a quarter from crown to rump and still weighs less than half an ounce.
9.When a pronghorn in the herd sees danger, it raises the white patch of hair on its rump as a warning signal to the others.
10.The hair down the middle of the back, starting just behind the cape and continuing over the rump, lies flat.