1.a mixture of flour and butter, used for making sauces
1.The total choledochal cyst excision, with Roux -en-Y hepaticojejunostomy is effective in the treatment of congenital choledochal cyst.
2.Her seat was next to her friend Dr Roux , who had been Pasteur's most devoted disciple .
3.Roux at Parliament Square is located in one of the most beautiful buildings in Westminster.
4.With a character both proud and timid, one never amounts to anything---Joseph Roux, French priest.
5."One of the secrets is staying true to your roots, " says Roux Jr.
6.And the general manager of the Waterside Inn, Diego Masciaga, has worked with the Roux family for nearly 30 years.
7.For the brown sauces, the butter and flour roux is cooked slowly until it turns a nut brown. Then a brown stock is added.
8.laboratory glassware . culture bottles called " roux jars "
9."We spend an enormous amount of time on sharing knowledge, " says Antoine Roux, the boss of MIH.
10.White sauces arerapidly made with a white roux (butter and flour cooked together) plus milk, orwhite stock.