1.The variant of ruble
1.The rouble area did not long outlive the Soviet Union; the monetary union of the Czech Republic and Slovakia lasted only a matter of weeks.
2."Foreign banks stopped immediately, but Russian banks used affiliated parties to trade against the rouble, " he said.
3.Growth has stopped, the rouble has lost more than a third of its value since August and inflation is running at around 13% a year.
4.So long as reserves do not come under pressure as a result of rouble weakness, there would be scope for emergency spending.
5.With $550 billion of reserves, Russia ought to be able to stop a run on the rouble.
6."Eighty per cent of Russian companies transferred their rouble accounts into dollars, " he said.
7.Russia is running a huge current-account surplus, it is paying off the last of its debt and the rouble has just been made fully convertible.
8.The first wave [of investment] was caught up in the Asian financial crisis, the devaluations in Latin America and the rouble crisis.
9.A sharp devaluation of the Belarusian rouble in May and a large current-account deficit have left the economy tottering.
10.If the euro is not to share the rouble's fate, its member nations will have to agree on a lot more than just the level of interest rates.