1.the process of loading software again after there has been a problem with the original software
1.Rollback is called if the installation of any component in the installation project fails.
2.Rollback of a user-specified transaction to the last savepoint inside a transaction or to the beginning of a transaction.
3.Upon transaction commit or rollback, the agent becomes idle and ready to service the requests assigned by the dispatcher.
4.It says there is "no question" of any rollback on its policy because ending fuel subsidies is essential to cut its budget deficit.
5.Using objects known as rollback segments, Oracle constructs read-consistent views of data as of the point in time a SQL statement is issued.
6.Backups at each stage of your migration enable you to rollback to a specific point in time of your migration process.
7.The only way to preclude such a cataclysm, the authors argue, is to adopt much tougher counter-measures: rollback, in Cold War terms.
8.During the rollback, the message queue is uninstalled and the system is returned to its original state.
9.First, if a method did not start a transaction, it has no business managing that transaction (for example, marking it for rollback).
10.The rollback of that business, and the institution of the system we have today, began with blood.