1.The concept of ripeness overlaps that of exhaustion to a considerable degree, but it has a different focus and a different basis.
2.Appearance of city is human of moving towards ripeness and civilized sign, it also is the high form of human colony formation.
3.All this for a sole purpose: getting just the right balance of ripeness.
4.The writer thinks that there should be a specific process from the start to taking shape and ripeness of "the Yan'an Model" .
5.Characteristic ripe peach aromas and a texture and flavor dimension conferred by the high degree of ripeness.
6.In this study, impact force is applied to non-destructively study cherry tomato fruit at all levels of ripeness from green to red ripe.
7.With the ripeness of WAMS platform in engineering application, it is possible to realize the wide-area damping control based on WAMS.
8.With the popularization and ripeness of the internet, the era of the great explosion of the information has already come.
9.With a jacket structure for heat preservation, more beneficial to ripeness and sterilization of materials.
10.The dyeing method is mainly used in recognizing the ripeness of cells and identifying malignant tumor cells and the type of acute leukemia.