reusable plastic bottles
1.This code fragment can be reduced back to a single line by moving the JSTL code into a reusable tag file that outputs the element.
2.There's a little bit of verbose cross-browser code, but if you move this part to a reusable library, the code becomes pretty clean.
3.With good toughness, wear resistance, characterized by soft, easy to use, can be a one-time use and reusable.
4.If you regularly buy bottles of water you now have no excuse not to take a reusable bottle with you everywhere. The Vapur fits anywhere.
5.Just a friendly reminder to everyone who uses reusable shopping bags (thank you! ) to please hot wash them on a regular basis.
6.We have also expanded upon the concept of a flow as a "reusable, self-contained application controller module" .
7.One of the main design goals for Objective-C was to produce a language for parceling up C libraries into easily reusable components.
8.If I go to the store and bring my own reusable bag, or if I just choose to carry it out without using plastic. . .
9.And that could help materials scientists trying to create an adhesive-free, reusable tape that mimics the geckos' sticky skills.
10.As you know from the previous installments in this series, my contention is that every piece of software includes reusable chunks of code.