1.Of course it is always possible, by massaging the data sufficiently, to come up with a way of retrospectively beating the market.
2.However, the broader the scope of such a law, to be applied retrospectively, the more likely it is to create a legal minefield.
3.you know? It's an odd position, 'cause you guys are still a young band, but to look back, retrospectively, on your career. . .
4.It's retrospectively permanent-feeling, like the internet itself, and yet novel enough to still feel crass.
5.Compared with the conditions prevailing in Soviet Russia even Tsarist Russia, retrospectively, looks like a country of a free press.
6.Methods The clinical data of a patient of our hospital with hyperkalemia-induced ventricular tachycardia was retrospectively analysed.
7.Regulators and courts seem more willing these days to punish sharp practices, even if it means retrospectively rewriting the rules.
8.The retrospectively confirmed cases bring the total in Indonesia to 65. Of these cases, 49 have been fatal.
9.Methods Eleven cases of thoracic spinal cord compression that had been misdiagnosis were studied retrospectively.
10.We wanted to come up with an answer that didn't cost the earth and could be retrospectively applied to cars already on the road.