1.If the downturn lasts only a year or two the attitudes of such people may survive the pain of retrenchment.
2.Now, as a fierce fiscal retrenchment begins, the bank is expected to cushion the impact by keeping monetary policy looser for longer.
3.Without a transparent public inspection, CTG cannot fairly cite "fiscal difficulties" as justification for mass retrenchment, said the ATJ.
4.This has been better than expected and the outlook is still broadly reassuring despite the big fiscal retrenchment over the next four years.
5.Since the crisis, governments have been borrowing furiously to make up for retrenchment in private spending.
6.eg. It would be far more sensible to make plans for fiscal retrenchment that are explicitly contingent on how the economy recovers.
7.North America is likely to see the sharpest retrenchment, but Schlumberger's announcement suggests international projects could follow.
8.The Treasury estimated in December that fiscal retrenchment building up to more than 5% of GDP would be needed to fill the hole.
9.This will set out the broad outline for the fiscal retrenchment that lies ahead and get the bad news out on planned tax rises.
10.Spending retrenchment, deleveraging and saving are the only sustainable options for America's zombie consumers.