1.to soak plant fibers such as flax or hemp so that they become easier to separate, or be soaked and become easier to separate
1.We haven't done that yet because our goal was to see how Venegeance felt at fewer stacks, not to balance ret dps.
2.Also, RET mutations were found to be correlated with the persistence of the disease (both biochemical and metastatic).
3.We prefer not to respond to nasty comments about our blog. 'Never wrestle with a Pig. You both ret dirty, but the pig likes it'.
4.We think Ret's dps isn't abnormally high in PvE, and may not even be high in PvP over the course of a long fight.
5.If you decided to cut out abilities for prot or ret paladins due to rotations being too complex, what would they be?
6.Because that's what we tried to do. In retrospect, we were so worried about nerfing Ret too much that we ended up not fixing the problem.
7.USAF (Ret. ), undersecretary of defense for intelligence, agreed to reform the clearance process rather than streamline it.
8.You use the opposite scm_num2int to convert the Scheme variable ret_val into a C integer value.
9.Author: LT. COL. ROBERT R. LEONHARD, USA Ret. , has published many articles and several books on military strategy and land warfare.
10.If I can read 1200 angry posts from Ret pallies today, you can blow off some inane gloating from warlocks or warriors.