1.quickly becoming popular, important, or successful again
1.Mr Putin has positioned himself as the symbol of a resurgent nation recovering from years of humiliation and weakness.
2.A resurgent United States might be able to slow down that process, but it will not be able to prevent it.
3.The next president will also have to deal with a resurgent and increasingly hostile Russia.
4.Much of that money comes from China's resurgent state enterprises, now hugely profitable and dominant in key industries.
5.Anxiety about another global recession is on the rise amid downbeat economic data from the U. S. and a resurgent European debt crisis.
6.Some object could come back if it once disappears, like the leaves of trees could resurgent in the spring even they all fall in the autumn.
7.The awkwardness is that the big shifts in global power have been about a hobbled America and a rising Asia rather than a resurgent Europe.
8.The state of Michigan added more jobs than it has in 10 years, thanks to a resurgent automobile industry.
9.Commodities prices rose across the board to their highest for the year, boosted by resurgent demand for riskier assets.
10.Equally, the newly rediscovered confidence in the Russian economy is likely to go hand in hand with resurgent Olympic fortune.