1.The service requester and the mediation flow component itself did not change at all, hence no programming was involved.
2.For the next purchase, the requester can receive an incentive in accordance with the point and enjoy a special service such as a discount.
3.What would a WebSphere ESB custom mediation primitive look like that logs the name of the requester for a given service?
4.The communication between service requester and service provider sets up the basic relationship in a web service: request and response.
5.When execution is done, a message might be send to the requester that the works done, and this might be accompanied by some data.
6.The requester then invokes the WS response template implementation with a key and a request template.
7.In case of a requester-server channel, the receiving system (store server) initiates the connection.
8.The idealized SOA is shown in Figure 1, where a requester interacts with a provider to achieve some business-relevant task.
9.These statements suggest "service" is a physical thing with which a requester can interact.
10.Now if the requester_s system crashes at any time the requester will know where to restart by the records it keeps in its local database.