1.If you want to be able to run this test more than once, say in a build process, you need to make it repeatable.
2.But they seem to put less emphasis on creating formal development methods which would be repeatable in future innovations.
3.With a set of repeatable timings and a mouse signature in place, the demoLogin. pl program can be modified to support signature comparisons.
4.Here, a template is created by turning an existing piece of content into a repeatable pattern through the template serialization service.
5.Design patterns force you to think about slicing your problems into discrete sub-problems, some of which may leverage repeatable solutions.
6.The information collected can be saved in a project and used to form a repeatable set of tests.
7.A service is a discoverable resource that executes a repeatable task, and is described by an externalized service specification.
8.By capturing all of these customizations in the form of a pattern, you are ensured of a consistent, repeatable middleware environment.
9.Hydraulic power and control are located at the point of use providing responsive, repeatable performance.
10.Governance structures are repeatable touchstones that ensure that both providers and clients will set and live up to expectations.