1.The potential is good - to properly treat and remediate a single piece of these agents of death can cost US$1 Million.
2.However, new technologies are available to remediate this high degree of colonization and the bio films that block the healing process.
3.We're finding that businesses who have bedbugs oftentimes will close to remediate the problem.
4.Now they can spend two hours a day and remediate, or get up to speed and not feel embarrassed about what they do or don't know.
5.For every development phase in which a performance defect is not detected, it becomes 80 to 1000 times more expensive to remediate.
6.Can web vulnerability scanners help you remediate the vulnerability?
7.Reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete have been developed in order to remediate to this weak point.
8."We had issues at McNeil, and McNeil identified that, and they shut down the McNeil facility to remediate that, " he says.
9.So, the ryegrass could not remediate heavy contaminated soil.
10.The Applying of Phytoremediation Combination Technology to Remediate Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil