1.relating to the relationship or connection between two or more things
1.The beginning of the second chapter introduces the basic concept of a relational database, the focus on a few key definition of the concept.
2.This made it extremely easy to persist the published records without the need to create the HL7 model in a traditional relational structure.
3.Suffice it to say that it has no provision for instrumentation and it does not use any sort of object-relational mapping (ORM) framework.
4.Note that this does not preclude the server from also providing support for the traditional, relational interfaces.
5.Although measure of fractal dimension of relational network is an unresolved question, we still attempt to suggest a way of measure.
6.This kind of relational semblance looked like mutually connects, infact certainly does not look like the others to see like this.
7.This huge Christmas sock, and has the relational meaning, the deaf person occurs the matter has the question difficulty.
8.The concept of inheritance throws in several interesting twists when saving objects into a relational database.
9.It is often used outside of any relational databases to query XML data, which may be stored in text files.
10.And a model of this architecture and a simple relational DBMS run on this architecture are implemented to verify the architecture.