1.to change something that already exists and give it a different form or purpose
1.Just as it redefined the MP3 player experience and reinvented the iPhone, Apple is going to pursue the netbook opportunity.
2.He always reinvented himself time and time again and certainly was a great entertainer and dancer and great to watch with all that energy.
3."Even as the LCD's growth rate slows, the company has always reinvented itself and added new products, " he said.
4.What started it was one simple ideals Christianity needed to be reinvented if it wanted to be relevant to the modern world.
5.it would throw everything we ' ve done into disrepute , could make us look as if we reinvented snake oil.
6.Formerly just a heartthrob idol, Aaron Kwok, has reinvented himself as a serious actor, which is seen in this role.
7.The former wild man of rock has reinvented himself as a respectable family man .
8.So from this day forward, I commit to create a culture of innovation. We will be known as the company that reinvented the X industry.
9.She reinvented her own life story, skipping over the war years when she had a German lover.
10.The overall aesthetic of the show could be described as "reinvented geisha" , perhaps not a theme that will persuade everyone.